Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Activities for Children

summer kids activities sand bucket

Summer Activities for Children

After the thrill of summer has worn off, summer activities for your children keeps the boredom away. Of course, you could always rustle up a few chores to stop their complaining, but what about introducing a few fun crafts and games to break up the monotony of those long summer days? 

Memory Box

Are you planning a great vacation or weekend getaway with your family? If so, you have a great opportunity for a fun summer activity for kids. Why not design a memory box to store all of those wonder family memorabilia and souvenirs? Shoe boxes work great, but virtually any box will do. Cover the box with Con-Tac paper, or glue craft or construction paper to the box and decorate it with paints, markers, beads, shells, ribbons, etc. Then, store all of your fun keepsakes inside! 

Seashell Wind Chimes

Got a whole collection of shells just gathering dust in your closet? You and your child can make wonderful wind chimes out of those shells. You'll have to help by drilling a small hole into one end of each shell. Use your largest shell for the top, and drill several holes into that shell along its edges. Then, help your child tie fishing line to each hole. Cut the fishing line in lengths of one to two feet, then tie smaller shells at varying intervals along the line to create the chimes. You can even paint the shells different colors if you like! 

Sandscape Jars

Even the most ordinary of tools can become ingredients for summer activities for kids. Use small canning or jelly jars for this project. Fill the jars halfway with sand, or salt if you don't have sand, then add small shells, pieces of seagrass, and anything else that reminds you of the sea. You can even glue a large shell to the jar's lid. Have your child write the name of a special beach on the outside. 

Sand Art

Sand art is always fun, and it is so easy to do! First, you'll need to color your sand by separating sand into plastic bags and adding a few drops of food coloring. Seal the bags and shake, pressing your fingers to the outside of the bag to ensure the sand is thoroughly colored. Pour the sand onto separate sections of wax paper or newspaper to let it dry. Now, your child can draw a pattern or design on construction paper, then trace the pattern with a thin line of glue. Now, place the sand back into the bag, and let your child dribble sand along the glue, shaking excess sand back into the bag. 

Rock Paperweights

Find odd shaped rocks, give your child a paintbrush and some paints, and let her create a unique paperweight for your desk! 

Summer Games

Squirt Gun Tag
This is a variation of the popular game of tag. Give each child a squirt gun, and let them play tag by trying to squirt each other. You can also play freeze tag with the squirt guns. 

Water Obstacle Course

The best way to enjoy summer is to get wet! Kids love water, and you can make an inexpensive water obstacle course using sprinklers, wading pools, slip and slides, etc. Set up a course in your yard, and let the kids run through the sprinklers, hop into the wading pools, and slide on the slip and slides! 

Flashlight Tag

This game is best played in the evening. Give one child a flashlight, and designate a base, such as the front porch or swing set. The person who has the flashlight is it, and they tag the others by shining the flashlight on them as they hide. If a person makes it back to the base before they are tagged, they're safe! 

Lightening Bugs

Who hasn't caught lightening bugs in a jar? Children love to do this! Find a plastic jar, and poke a few holes in the lid. Your child will love chasing the fireflies across the yard! Be sure you let the bugs go before you head back indoors. PARENTS DON'T USE COMMERCIAL SPRAYS ON LAWNS AND GARDENS, IT KILLS LIGHTENING BUGS, LADYBUGS AND BUTTERFLIES. 

Scavenger Hunts

The next time your children come dragging into the house all whiney and bored, give them a scavenger hunt. It really doesn't matter what items you list, as long as they have a long list to search for. Items could include yellow leaves, a stick shaped like a snake, a locust shell, a ladybug, a bird feather, a four-leaf clover, a pinecone, an acorn, a dandelion, a pink flower petal, etc.

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