Showing posts with label Solar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Solar Chargers


Air Dry Clothes

Can't Have a Clothesline ~ 

Apartment Living ?
HOA Hostile Rules ?

Shower Rod placed in your shower

*Take a shower rod. Extend it from area of the shower nozzle to the other end of your shower.
*Hang your clothes on hangers. 
*Don't hang the clothes too close together - or they won't dry.
*Use clothes pins as needed
*Keep fan on in bathroom for moisture if needed
*You can also use a floor fan as needed

Clothes Rack

*Start at the bottom with socks and underwear
*Go bigger to top. 
*Keep in warm area and can be moved around during drying process.
*I HOA rules or apartment without patio privacy putting outside isn't a good idea. BUT if you can, place drying rack outside for warm & sun (colors may bleach in sun).
*Use floor fan to dry faster.

~ Hang sheets & blankets over shower rods.
~ Door frames and clothes hangers were made for each other. When clothes are close to being dry move them to door frames.

Just think of the electric you will save in air dry clothes.

Sunday, April 7, 2013