Monday, July 29, 2013

Autism Characteristics for OUR son

Susceptibility to distraction 
Difficulty in expressing emotions and when he offers a hug or kiss  WE take  it  immediately.....we will stop ANYTHING, including the vehicle (safely) for a hug or kiss.

Generalized confusion during periods of stress anything or nothing can cause stress 
m for every task
Excessive question

Sleep difficulties 
Difficulty understanding organizing and sequence 
Unable to accept criticism or correction 
Bluntness is emotional expression

Difficulty in forming friendship with children his age; difficulty in distinguishing between acquaintance and friendship
Rigid adherence to rules and social conventions where flexibility is needed

Difficulty with unstructured
Difficulty in judging distances, height, depth
Gross and fine motor coordination problems
Expressing anger is
excessive and uncontrollable
Difficulty in maintaining eye contact
Anxiety in social settings 
Stims (self-stimulatory behavior serving to reduce anxiety, stress or expressing plea
sure) we call it his happy dances
Excellent rote memory
Excellent visual memory
Excessive word repetition and can be repeats what you've just said
gifted in one or more areas (e.g., science & reading)Strong sensitivity to sound of any kind, taste, sight and smell (e.g. fabric texture, texture of foods, blinking lights etc)
Independent, unique thinking Speech and language hyperlexia
Loves learning and gathering information to point of obsession

Strong food preferences and aversions
Distractions happen due to focus on external or internal sensations, thoughts, and/or sensory input

Difficulty understanding organizing and sequence
Unable to seek comfort

Unwilling to stay on task that doesn't draw his attention or his own learning
Schedules must be set and NOT changed in any way
Something as simple as a sudden rain storm during an outing can cause a meltdown or stimming 
Low understanding of reciprocal rules of conversation: interrupting, dominating, minimum participation, difficult in shifting topics, problem w/ initiating or terminating conversation,subject preservation  

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