Thursday, April 25, 2013

White Teeth

-Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a
small cup,
mix in one teaspoon baking soda
plus one
teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and
half a
teaspoon water.
Thoroughly mix then brush your
teeth for two minutes. Remember to
do it once a week until you have
reached the results you want. Once
your teeth are good and white, limit
yourself to using the
whitening treatment once every
month or two.
be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.

For more healthy recipes, tips, motivation and fun, join us here: @[323278087763609:69:All Natural Healthy Weight Loss Solutions Support Group]thy start
-Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a
small cup,
mix in one teaspoon baking soda
plus one
teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and
half a
teaspoon water.
Thoroughly mix then brush your
teeth for two minutes. Remember to
do it once a week until you have
reached the results you want. Once
your teeth are good and white, limit
yourself to using the
whitening treatment once every
month or two.
be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.

For more healthy recipes, tips, motivation and fun, join us here: All Natural Healthy Weight Loss Solutions Support Groupthy start

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