Sunday, April 14, 2013


40 Great Dates With Your Mate

1. Read past entries from journals. Look at old photo albums and high school yearbooks. Learn about your spouse's childhood and teen years.
2. and make a Family Tree together.3. Plan a special barbecue, picnic (summer or winter), make your own pizza party.
4. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish in one, five, ten or twenty-five years. Create intermediate steps to accomplish them. Post these where they will be effective in nudging you to action.
5. Make popcorn. Watch a favorite television show, video, or athletic event.
6. Read a book, the scriptures, or the Ensign together. If you prefer, read a book during the month, then discuss it in depth on your date night.
7. Make cookies and take some to a neighbor's house. Place them on the doorstep, then knock or ring the bell and run to hide.
8. Play a favorite board game, marbles, or tether ball.
9. Design your dream house or dream yard. Sketch your plans, then share
your ideas.
10. Go to the park and play on the swings and slippery-slide.
11. Sing together, with or without a piano. Harmonize, blend. Sing rounds. This is especially good for a date near Christmas.
12. If you have musical instruments, play a duet.
13. Create your own recipe for homemade ice cream. Try it out.
14. Plan an upcoming vacation or a second honeymoon-even if it's only imaginary.
15. Plant a garden or a tree.
16. Build a web page together.
17. Hang out in a hammock together and look for shapes in the clouds.
18. Watch or listen to an educational program or readers' theater.
19. Check out a library book about constellations, then go look at the stars.
20. Prepare a tribute for each other, gathering letters of appreciation from those who know your spouse. Make it into a 'This Is Your Life' night.
21. Plan for the handling of your estate. Draw up wills and get them notarized.
22. Dance to old records or to music on the radio. Learn new steps together.
23. Wash the car.
24. Go to the temple.
25. Fly a kite.
26. Take a walk in the rain.
27. Teach each other something new, such as a principle of geometry or a bit of foreign language.
28. Make a big cookie (the size of a cookie tray) for each other. Decorate it to say "I Love You!"
29. Have a water fight.
30. Play croquet.
31. Read or reread your patriarchal blessings to each other.
32. Work together to finish one of your monumental tasks that you have put
off forever; paint a room, wash windows, or something similar.
33. Have a "fix-it" night together to fix all the stuff that you just haven't gotten around to doing.
34. Go to an old fashion drive in movie.
35. Go through several old boxes of storage together. Get rid of what you don't use.
36. Go through family photos and reminisce together. While you are at it make sure names, places, and dates are on them.
37. Wash windows together one on either side of the window.
38. Write a family letter to relatives about your family and you. Then send it out by mail or e-mail.
Refinish a piece of furniture for your home.
40. Search for your families together at Family Search. Prepare information that Family Search doesn't have, that you do, and submit it. There must be more than one generation.
Author Unknown

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