Sunday, April 7, 2013

Autism 2011

SO, we were with an online virtual school.......not anymore......they are just being so difficult. My son has Autism & an IEP. I requested, he be given service of physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavior therapy, speech therapy. They decided, unless my son is willing to sit in front of the computer and listen to a pre-recorded therapy, we won't be getting services. My son has severe sensory issues. He wears headset (sound zero) and turns off the volume, now how is this virtual therapy going to help? So, we are being "dropped" for NOT working with them! OH KARMA, please do your work NOW !  BUT, I did find a group of Moms with children of Autism. My "coach"  is she just wonderful. After I got her email, I just cried. Then I talked to her on the phone. When I hung-up I cried.......I finally have a "helper". Someone to listen, someone to share with. Someone to give me advice in what she has done over the years with her son.  Wow, so far, I can see how all her experience will help make a difference in my sons life. That and I spent a week on the phone finding a psych that will follow my sons medications for Autism, allergy and asthma. He's a whole package and all the med's don't work together! Thus, this wonderful program at a Childrens' Hospital.  So, in September, we will be starting a brand new program to this hospital and I for one, am celebrating the Lord's blessing in our life for this brand new program. All things are possible in the Lord. He gives us all we have and is there to help us, through everything.  This virtual school may have slammed the door in our face, BUT, the LORD, opened a much larger and more experienced door and we are at the gates with our "ticket" in hand!

SO with my "coach" advice, I started of thinking of ways to work with my sons sensory issues. I opened a cantaloupe......he scooped out the seeds and then pulled each seed from the pulp......took him severally hours. I was very messy and he had a blast! Something so simple and so rewarding for him. The next day I opened a squash. It was less messy but he totally enjoyed the many hours of pulling the seeds from the pulp.

And going from blog to blog I have found activities that I will post here, for my little boy to have fun, get messy and play.

May the LORD bless each of you with what you need. May he be there at your side on this journey, until HE comes again! Blessings ~ Virginia April 2011

I transferred this from my original blog (it's now closed).

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