Monday, March 11, 2013

Hair Helps

Dry hair:
  If your hair is very dry, you may have used too much baking soda and should lesson the amount. You may also need to use more Apple Cider Vinegar in your rinse. Also, try smoothing a tiny bit of oil into your hair either after you shower, or in the morning. A tiny bit is all you need. Coconut oil works well, and smells great!
  If you find your hair is chronically dry, and you like the idea of a hot oil treatment every so often, you can follow one of these recipes, the latter is best for dry hair and the former is a hot oil treatment for occasional use :
-- 1 teaspoon soybean oil
  -- 2 teaspoons castor oil
  Combine ingredients then warm on low heat. Massage mixture into the scalp and hair. Wrap hair in a hot towel for 15 minutes. Shampoo & rinse out.
-- 1/2 cup of dried rosemary leaves
  -- 1/2 cup olive oil
  Combine ingredients then heat up until warm. Strain. Coat the entire scalp and ends of hair with the oil mixture. Wrap hair in saran wrap and a towel over that, leave on for 15 minutes. Wash hair twice to remove the oil. Use this treatment twice a month or when your needs a deep conditioning. Leaves your hair shiny and rehydrated.
If you want, or need the occasional deep condition, especially if you have very long hair with breakage at the ends, you can try a mix with one small jar of real mayonnaise and 1/2 of an avocado. Mash them together in a bowl with your hands until it's a minty green color  then smooth onto your hair. Put on a shower cap, or wrap your hair in saran wrap and leave on for 20 minutes before thoroughly rinsing clean. If you're using this only for the tips of your hair, or for very short hair, half the ingredients.
If you swim regularly in pools, or have very chlorinated water you may find your hair dries easily. To help prevent chlorine damage after you've gone swimming, try mixing one eggone eggshell's worth of olive oil with one quarter of a peeled cucumber. Blend together, spread evenly onto hair, leave in ten minutes and then rinse well. See also [I have hard water!]
If you regularly blow-dry, stop! Scrunch with a towel and then let your hair air-dry. Curling, straightening or kinking your hair using hot irons can also attribute to drying and breakage. You can also try using a boar-bristle brush to brush your hair with, this will distribute your hair's natural oils evenly. Though be warned that you don't need to use it all the time, and using it too much might actually make your hair feel more oily then usual!
White Build-up: 
  You're probably using too much baking soda! Remember, you only need one tablespoon per cup  of water, for long hair, you only need a maximum of 2-3 tablespoons. It doesn't seem like much, but it goes a long way. For easier distribution, keep a little cup with some baking soda in the shower and take a pinch and apply to wet hair, then rub in.
Itchy hair/scalp:  Rinse with tea tree, rosemary or lavender essential oils (just a few drops at the most!) Try changing your rinse routine. Add a bit of honey, try a rosemary tea rinse... experiment! For itchy scalp caused by build-up or dryness, try adding a few pinches of brown sugar (not white, as it will dissolve) to your wash and rubbing it through. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. If you use any oils on your scalp (like jojoba, or coconut), stop and see if that makes a difference. See also [I have hard water!]
  Skin cells flake and slough off the body all the time, normally skin go through the cycle of dying and being replaced once a month. If this process is sped up and the skin cells aren't removed, you get dandruff. Although the real causes of dandruff are still unknown, most theories involve the sebaceous glands being plugged, or overproducing.
To help control dandruff you can use a mild acidic solution on your scalp, before shampooing, about twice a week.
-- 1/2 cup Water
  -- 1/2 cup of White Vinegar 

  Combine ingredients then apply directly to the scalp. Use before shampooing. Apply twice a week.
If you're using any oils on your scalp (coconut, jojoba, etc - not essential) stop and see if that helps. Also try adding some brown sugar to your baking soda wash and massage it into your scalp to help slough away flakes. Don't use white sugar, it will just dissolve.
Limp or weak hair:
  You are over-conditioning! Cut back on how often you use a conditioning rinse. If you're using hot oil treatments, try going a little longer between them. Think about which moisturizing ingredients you're using in your routines, and cut back where you can.

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