Thursday, April 4, 2013

Laundry Detergent Recipe by Jessy

I followed this blog but it doesn't seem to be active. Posting this so Jessy's wisdom will continue to help us all.I made this detergent and use this recipe most of all. I love creating and NOT having to worry about "unknown" stuff in the laundry detergent you can purchase off the shelf @ the stores!

There has been allot of demand for my recipe for homemade detergent! Thanks to a few good friends I started making homemade detergent about 3 months ago and I don't think I'll ever go back! The ingredients for it are simple and flexible not to mention CHEAP!
There are two different types dry and wet. I have tried both but I feel the liquid works a little better.

For the Dry: (POWDER)
2 c borax
2 c washing soda
1 c baking soda
2 c oxy clean
1 bar fels-nappa laundry bar finely shredded

put it all into a large container and shake to mix. Use up to 2 TBS per load.

For the Wet: (LIQUID)
1 5 gallon bucket
1 bar fels-nappa bar finely shredded
2 c borax
2 c washing soda
2 c baking soda
1 c clorox II
1 c oxy clean
1 c either dawn or murphy's oil soap (optional)

Start by getting out your largest stock pot. Boil about a half of a gallon water. Melt the bar soap. Dissolve borax and both sodas, then dump into bucket. Bring another half gallon of water to boil and dissolve clorox and oxy clean SLOWLY! It may foam up and if it does take it off the heat. Dump this into the bucket and stir well. Add murphys soad or dawn if desired to the bucket and fill it the rest of the way with water mixing well. Use up to 1/2 c per load.

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