Friday, March 8, 2013

Laundry Detergent Lavender Homemade

Homemade Laundry Detergent

 Once the initial purchases are made my laundry only costs about 5 - 10 cents per load!  Low Suds.

THIS is what you need.

Large pot
Wood Spoon
Hand Grater
Medium size dessert type plate
Wire whisk
 ~dedicated for soap making ONLY by using Sharpie INK.
Washing Soap
Fels Naptha Bar Soap
~ found in Laundry isle @ store
Lavender Essential Oil - it's antibacterial

You can also use ice cream bucket.
I USE MASON JARS to store my liquid detergent. 

Pour 16 cups of water into your pot.
Let it warm on MEDIUM heat
~ while your are preparing your other ingredients.

Grate 1/2 of the Ivory Hand Soap (Fels Naptha bar is most commonly used)

Add 1/2 cup  Washing Soda, I purchased what I  found & it wasn't brand shown here.

 1/2 cup Borax  (20 Mule Team)

Mix well - I don't have a designated wire whisk. I just wash it in hot water.

Wood spoon scoop into warm water

Turn heat to Medium-High

IF you choose
20-30 drop Lavender Essential Oil (I use this due to the calming effect Lavender has on my son w/ autism)
Stir until shaved soap is dissolved
Stir occasionally as it heats up for about 20- 25  minutes

Now it's dissolved and is well stirred - remove from heat and let sit for 1 hour.

It will gel-up.
NOW ~ pour it into your storage container. Let it finish gelling. (I don't put on lid yet).
~once gel is luke warm ~ I put on lid ~ I don't want it hot to put on lid.
I made this morning ~ it will be ready to use tomorrow. 

I  use 1 - 2 Tablespoons for each load. You may use more, we don't have really dirty clothes in winter -- summer I use more.

DO NOT USE in your washer's dispenser ~ just add to water in tub.

Stains: use old toothbrush (soft to not damage fabric) ~ let sit about 1 hour & then toss in washer.

PHOTOS from Kim Wolf, in Ohio. I will get mine on when hubby is home to take them!!!

Original Recipe - all over the internet & from my recipes in old 1890's cookbook. BUT this lady used a wood burning stove! And she didn't have designated pot etc.

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