Showing posts with label Container Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Container Garden. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2013

Water Bottle Upcycled to Sprinkler

Photo: don't waste money on a store bought, use a 2-liter for larger area'sPHOTO CREDIT unknown

Monday, February 25, 2013

Organic Aphid Control

Organic Aphid Control

by: Home Made Is Easy

photo credit  Wikipedia

No one wants to work and toil to find aphid's eating their harvest. NON- CHEMICAL killing of aphids is easier than you think and better for your health, environment and "good bugs" in your garden. Here's some tips I have learned in my 20+ years of gardening. Use ground or row covers. You can remove covers when plants start to flower.

I use a cheap spray bottle for about $1.00 and mix 1 small quirt of mild (MILD) dish soap into a spray bottle of water. I spray each plant. Let it set overnight then rinse the plant off the following morning.  Don't forget to spay under the leaves. The solution dehydrates the aphids thus killing them. I also spray the soil. If  I  have mulch, I remove it and use solution on it as well. I put mulch in the sun to fry anything in mulch. NEVER leave the soap solution on my plants. This method has always worked in my garden. I want them to live and thrive.

I have made a garlic spray on aphids. I used powered garlic and water letting it infuse. The smell doesn't kill them but drives them somewhere else. Onion solution does the same, it drives the aphids somewhere else and I want them dead.
Make a spray of 1 cup white mineral oil (vegetable oil works I have read but I only use Mineral Oil) with 2 cups of water and 2 teaspoons bleach free dish soap. Mix in spray bottle and spray on aphid plants. It will suffocate the aphids. Keep up the treatment of solution and keep ALL plants sprayed with this solution out of the sun or they can burn. I do let this sit overnight but rinse plant the next day. And I re spray solution again, put out of sun and rinse again the next morning. This has always killed aphids in my garden.
Introduce beneficial bugs, like lacewings and ladybugs to your garden as a natural way to kill aphids.
Plant fennel, dill, yarrow, clover and dandelions to attract lacewings and ladybugs, these plants are knows as aphid predators. Use these plants around the plants you wish to protect.

You can also grow plants AWAY from you garden that will attract aphids to them: Nasturtium, Aster, Mum, Cosmos, Hollyhock, Larkspur, Tuberous begonia, Verbena, Dahlia & Zinnia.

Some gardeners use a strong spray of water from hose to knock off aphids. BUT, I have done this and it also knocked off starting fruit, vegetables and blossoms. You have to spray every day until the aphids are gone.  Again, I didn't have success with this method.

Some use cedar chips in their garden. Some fruits and vegetables will tolerate this mulch. Do research before using cedar chips. It's normally an effective deterrent, but not all plants do well in cedar chips.

I plant garlic and onions in container gardens and alternate veggie and then onion or garlic container. If I'm doing ground-raised bed gardening I plant garlic and onion in every other row. I also use flowers in every other row to bring in butterfly's and bees. Aphids don't like the smell of garlic, onions. I'm also big on planting marigolds throughout my gardens, container or gardens. Happy Harvest!

Note this is my flower garden. I would only use the marigolds, seen on the left back in my veggie garden.
copyright photo: HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Upcycle Plastic Bottle Greenhouse


Photo: Bottle greenhouse

Mini Greenhouse for Each Plant in your Garden Plot

 I did this but with metal post. These would be lighter to move, but remember, using metal in your garden plot or container garden will bring electric out of air and into your garden for growth. 

MINI greenhouse give plants boost in cooler weather. Photo: Mini Greenhouses  give our peppers a credit: Prepper Nana

Photo credit: Prepper Nana
Photo: Tomato Hedge at harvest time!

Container Garden Success.

Photo: Container gardening is a good option for folks with limited space
top photo was on internet. no photo credit was given by publisher.

 I do container gardening. I live in an HOA that demands grass in front & back yards. SAD. SO all the photos below are some of my container garden from summer 2012. WE had bounty until the first freeze in October. HAPPY Planting & Healthy Eating! I use top soil like shown above. I use grass to cover my soil. DO NOT USE GRASS CLIPPINGS IF YOU are  POSING YOUR GRASS (chemicals). I only use natural products, nothing store bought on my grass, yard plants & container garden. All the following photos are property of HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW. DO NOT COPY. Just enjoy. THX

 I wanted to plant veggies in this planter but the HOA denied me & told me they put chemicals on all the grass in the community. OH JOY. It's in the air  & water too.
 I had to seperate the carrots into many containers they were really good to eat.
 Green Beans. Had 24 plants total.

Strawberry Stones For Your Garden

Stones painted to look like berries will keep the birds out of your berry patch.  After pecking a few of the hard painted stones, the bird will assume that all of the berries in the patch are hard as a rock and will seek its food elsewhere.

Stones painted to look like berries will keep the birds out of your berry patch.
After pecking a few of the hard painted stones, the bird will assume that all
of the berries in the patch are hard as a rock and will seek its food elsewhere.


Old Posters for Gardening

Dinners Camping

Please DO NOT COPY MY PHOTOGRAPHS. copyright HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW

Foil Dinners. We went camping in Utah (forgot the table cloth, yuck) summer 2011. Our daughter taught us this and we just loved it. Also note "Stephens Hot Chocolate" on table. WE don't camp without Stephens Chocolate. ALL of the veggies came from my container garden. We also used white chicken. SO GOOD.

Garden Tortilla Wrap

 HOME GROWN. Well, not the avacado. But the rest came from my container garden. I made the spinach tortilla too. Gotta' love doing it on your own. Tomatoes, Zucchini (cut by my little boy with a butter knife so he could help!) & Lettuce. We eat well on fresh veggies all season.


Container Garden

I had help planting. My little boy has Autism and HATES having his hands dirty. He dumped the seeds and ran away.  They got moved to different containers and ALL gave us veggies for over 7 months.

PLEASE DO NOT copy my photos. THX. 

Container Gardening

Please Do Not Copy My Photos. THX.

Container Garden Green Beans. I have 12 Green Bean containers & needed more. Live & Learn!

copyright HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW

Stages of Green Bean Container Garden

NOTE the wire in my container. I use it to pull electric from air....helps with growth.

Container Garden

PLEASE DO NOT copy this photo. copyright HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW

I have really good luck with container gardens. I am very blessed. 

 Wild Onions Container Garden. PLEASE DO NOT COPY. HomeMadeIsEasyJennyHW