Showing posts with label Cleaning Solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleaning Solutions. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fake it Dishwasher Rinse for Pennies!

Fake Jet-Dry, Less Than A Penny Per Wash!

Simply add White Vinegar to your Rinse Agent repository in your dishwasher!  I didn't believe that it would work all that great until I tried it and discovered that the vinegar even did an amazing job of cleaning off all that gunky stuff & film from the bottom/sides of my dishwasher as well!  Just Fabulous!

I am starting to understand why many of you have often touted the great uses for plain old vinegar!

The Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:

Vinegar Rinse Agent: 32 oz Bottle, $2.39 (or cheaper), 304 Washes

Total Fake-It Cost:  $2.87/year (365 washes),  $0.008 per wash (less than a penny!)

Compare to 8.45 oz Jet-Dry Rinse Agent:  $4.99/80 Washes, 365 washes = $22.76 per year, $0.06 per wash

Total Fake-It Savings:  $19.89/year

Static Cling and Aluminum Foil

1foil.jpgphoto credit:

 A balled up piece of good old Aluminum Foil thrown in the dryer with your clothes is just as effective as a dryer sheet!  It's true!  I've been using the same ball of foil for the last four weeks and it's still working just fine. 

One thing I learned, however, is that if you have a load of flannel mixed with polar fleece (a static superload!), throw in two balls of foil.  That's more than one ball can handle!

Why does this work?  Check out the answer and more tips here at eHow!

The Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:

Aluminum Foil "Dryer Sheet":  Just about $0.00

Total Fake-It Cost:  It may cost you $1.00 over the course of a year to make new balls

Compare to Snuggle Dryer Sheets ($4.99 for 80 sheets), $0.06/load

Total Fake-It Savings: $25.00/Year (based on my usual laundry pile of 8 loads/week)

static cling

Fake It Shower Cleaner

Scrub Free Clean Shower Daily Shower Cleaner, Fresh PHOTO CREDIT.

 To Make Fake Clean Shower:  
1 Empty Spray Bottle (I used an old Clean Shower bottle)
1 Tablespoon Jet-Dry (or similar Dishwasher Rinse Agent)
2 Tablespoons Dish Detergent
1/4 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 Cup Rubbing Alcohol
Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake!

A few notes:
1.  The Rinse Agent & Dish Detergent take care of hard water problems.
2.  The Peroxide & Alcohol take care of soap scum, bacteria & mold. 
3.  The smell of my mix isn't as "fresh" as the original, but it is a clean smell that dissipates quickly.
4.   Bottom Line:  It works!  I've been using it daily for a month, and there is not a spot of mold, mildew or hard water in my shower.

The Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:

Fake Clean Shower (1 T Jet Dry $0.18, 2 T Detergent $0.02, Peroxide $0.06, Alcohol $0.06)

Total Fake-It Cost: $0.32

Compare to Original Clean Shower:  $3.00

Total Fake-It Savings: $2.68

Yearly Savings:  $64.32 (24 bottles)

Fake It Window Cleaner

Here's what you need:
1 Empty Windex Spray Bottle
1/8 Cup (1oz) White Ammonia
1/4 Cup (4oz) Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
1 Drop Laundry Detergent
Water - To Fill The Bottle 
Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:

Fake Windex (Ammonia $0.02, Alcohol $0.25)

Total Fake-It Cost:  $0.27

Compare to  Windex:  $3.69

Total Fake-It Savings:  $3.42*

*If you purchase one bottle of Windex per month (and I sure do), the savings comes to$41.04 per year!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lemon Cleaning

Give me lemons and I'll clean the bathroom. I make lemonade then I use the lemon for hard water cleaning!

AND rinse when done